The 3 Italians from Campiello went over the La Mesa route but we took the 'low' road to Pola.
We set off in a slight mist with a 'rainbow shape' effect, quite eerie. However this soon burnt off as we walked to La Mortera where we stopped for coffee. There was a Spanish pilgrim having breakfast in the bar, presumably having stayed at Borres. After La Mortera we walked the road to Porciles to avoid a double descent and climb through valley bottoms. It was warm enough to carry our fleeces most of the way, having started off with both on.
Arriving in Pola de Allande we went to the Nueva Allandesa where we had booked a room. For lunch there was Fabada (Asturian stew), and then we went for a siesta. Our clothes were taken off to be washed for us and returned later in the afternoon, dried and at a reasonable rate. After siesta we went for a walk round the town and to look for food for tomorrow's snacks, along with a tin of peaches (our luxury item).
We returned to the hotel bar for supper - bocadillos (sandwiches). There were 2 German pilgrims so we joined them for Coca Colas while they waited for the evening meal (served at 21.00). Having eaten a hot meal at lunchtime we were happy with our bocadillos and decided an early night was a good idea as the next stage is a long one.
Mist near Campiello forms a rare fog bow

Looking back to Tineo with its cloud formations
View towards the mountains and the pass we will go through tomorrow
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