An excellent breakfast in the albergue and a cheerful farewell. We passed the public albergue and shortly after were joined on the Via Romana Lucus Iria Flavia by a pilgrim aiming to reach Melide today. She was late starting as she had been chatting to the two girls we met in Burgo and had left them in the albergue still packing. We walked together for a time but she needed to walk on faster than us so went ahead. We had one heavy shower on the hilltop, followed by a light one, then it turned dry and sunny but water was still running down the road in places. We paused near one farm for a quick snack and were joined by a very friendly dog, which we did not feed! It left when the food was all gone!!
Arriving at Ferreira we walked just past the 'Casa da Ponte' (a casa rural) to go over the Roman bridge. We booked into the casa rural and were served a bocadillo lunch with a hot meal booked for the evening at 20.00.
After siesta, hanging out the washing and translating on the phone for an incoming pilgrim we went to look at the very pretty church. They are long lived here, many of the memorials are to over 90 year olds. Back at the casa we sat on the patio with Reuben from the USA and enjoyed the sunshine.
We shared our table at supper with Reuben and at the next had Hans and Cristina, also pilgrims, so an enjoyable chatty meal and excellent food. Starters of small pieces of jamon crudo and empanada, then a huge tortilla (potato omelette) followed by pork chops and finishing with Tarta Santiago. Another memorable meal. Tomorrow we sadly leave the Primitivo itself and turn south to join the Camino Francés at Palas de Rei.

The line of the old Roman road between San Roman de Retorta and Burgo de Negral
A peaceful farm dog, Burgo de Negral
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